The purpose of this study was to examine the specialized content knowledge(SCK) of traditional Korean dance instructors. Research questions were whether there were any difference in (1) error detection and (2) instructional task presentation according to dancing ability of observed dancers. Total of twenty dance instructors participated in this study. The SCK data were collected using (1) the description of performance errors of dancers based on video clip of previous performance, and (2) content map (Ward et al., 2015). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in relation to the research questions. The results of this study showed that: 1) instructors indicated that there were no big different performance errors of dancers based on the ability of dancers. 2) Also, they presented different instructional task to correct errors of dancers. Instructor used the most common tasks: informing, extension, extension-applying tasks more often than any other tasks. This study provides depth of specialized content knowledge of Korean traditional dance instructors. Analysis of the SCK is a valuable tool to modify teaching behaviors of dance instructor.
Can Humans Exist Without A Body?: A Critical Review of the Basic Assumptions of the Human Connectome Project 인간은 몸 없이도 존재할 수 있는가?: 인간 커넥톰 프로젝트의 기본 가정에 대한 비판적 고찰
Can Humans Exist Without A Body?: A Critical Review of the Basic Assumptions of the Human Connectome Project 인간은 몸 없이도 존재할 수 있는가?: 인간 커넥톰 프로젝트의 기본 가정에 대한 비판적 고찰
송형석 Song¸ Hyeongseok
The purpose of this study is to critically review the basic assumptions of the Human Connectome Project that state ‘humans can exist without a body’. This assumption can be divided into three sub-assumptions: first, the human mind is a phenomenon created by the connectivity of human brain cells; second, modern technology can perfectly reveal the connectivity of human brain cells; and third, if the algorithm of the brain cell connectivity could be upload to a computer, then the mind will emerge in the computer. The first sub-presumption is logically weak in that it does not consider 1) a contingent relationship between the emergence of the mind and the formation of brain cell connectivity and 2) an interrelationship between the brain and the rest of the body in the formation of the mind. The second hypothesis can be said to be a logical leap as it uses the cases of the brain cell network identification of C-elegances, which consists of only about 7,000 synapses, as the logical basis for the claim that 100 trillion human brain cell networks can be fully identified. The third assumption can be said to be a logical leap in that it equates the connectome algorithm composed of numbers and functions with the connectome of living humans. For this reason, the researcher concluded that the basic assumption of the Human Connectome Project that ‘humans can exist without a body’ is weak and difficult to actualize.
Key Words
마음과 몸, 평범한 기계와 비범한 기계, 인간의 디지털화, 의식과 무의식, 체화된 인지, mind, body, trivial machines, non-trivial machines, digitalization of human, conscious, unconscious, embodied cognition
Research in Favor of a Human Rights-Friendly Culture in College Sports with Focus on the Negative Human Rights Experiences of Student Athletes 인권친화적 대학운동부 문화 조성을 위한 탐색적 연구: 대학학생선수들의 인권침해경험을 중심으로
Research in Favor of a Human Rights-Friendly Culture in College Sports with Focus on the Negative Human Rights Experiences of Student Athletes 인권친화적 대학운동부 문화 조성을 위한 탐색적 연구: 대학학생선수들의 인권침해경험을 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to describe experiences related to human rights in order to create a human rights-friendly environment for student athletes in college. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with the study participants comprising 10 college athletes. The result is threefold. The first concerns the suppression of freedom and exerting control on self-determination. The lives of college student athletes are controlled by way of restricting their self-determination while their freedom is being suppressed. The second concerns deprivation of the students’pursuit of happiness. Although adaptation to the university culture involves workshops and club activities, the student is still isolated from the university culture by being excluded from various activities, not to mention that it is difficult to adapt to such a culture. The third concerns the experience of a passive life and loss of empowerment. College athletes perceive college athletic activities as a means of becoming athletes and academics which they recognize as a minimum requirement for participation in competitions. But in the process of acquiring and maintaining their identity as athletes, they seem to lose control over the rest of their lives. In the future, this study proposes education to strengthen human rights sensitivity, and a capacity-building program based on the needs and aspirations of student athletes rather than another method of external control. In addition, active organizational policies and efforts will be needed if a human rights-friendly culture is to be made possible.
Key Words
인권, 인권침해, 대학학생선수, 대학운동부문화, human rights, student athletes in college, human rights-friendly culture
The Effect of Professional Baseball Away Fans’ Migration Region Perceptions of Place on Professional Baseball Stadium Perceptions of Place 프로야구 원정팬의 이주지역 장소 인식이 이주지역 프로야구 경기장 장소 인식에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Professional Baseball Away Fans’ Migration Region Perceptions of Place on Professional Baseball Stadium Perceptions of Place 프로야구 원정팬의 이주지역 장소 인식이 이주지역 프로야구 경기장 장소 인식에 미치는 영향
이완영 Lee Wanyoung , 권순용 Kwon Sun-yong
Utilizing the notion of placeness, this study aims to analyze the effect of professional baseball away fans’ migration region perceptions of place on professional baseball stadium perceptions of place. To collect survey data, we designed a purposeful sampling method through which 600 away fans responded to questionaries at five professional baseball stadiums from March 23 to June 8, 2019. To analyze effective samples from 504 questionnaires used for the final study, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were carried out. The study results are as follows. First, the liking for migration regions and the preference perception of residents from migration regions positively influenced the subject perception of stadium place perceptions, and the migration region satisfaction perception negatively influenced. Second, the liking for migration regions and the preference perception of residents from migration regions positively influenced the bonding perception of stadium place perceptions. Third, the migration region satisfaction perception negatively influenced the discrimination perception of stadium place perceptions. Fourth, the migration region satisfaction perception and the preference perception of residents from migration regions positively influenced the stratification perception of stadium place perceptions, and the liking for migration regions negatively influenced.
Key Words
프로야구 경기장, 원정팬, 지역사회, 장소성, professional baseball stadium, away fan, local community, placeness
The Structural Relationship among Hedonic Value, Self Image Congruency, Club Trust, Club Emotion, Club Commitment and Reviewing Intention of WKBL Spectator 여자프로농구 관중이 지각하는 쾌락적 가치와 자아이미지일치성, 팀신뢰, 팀감정, 팀몰입 및 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
The Structural Relationship among Hedonic Value, Self Image Congruency, Club Trust, Club Emotion, Club Commitment and Reviewing Intention of WKBL Spectator 여자프로농구 관중이 지각하는 쾌락적 가치와 자아이미지일치성, 팀신뢰, 팀감정, 팀몰입 및 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
하태경 Ha Taekyung , 김용만 Kim Yongman
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hedonic value by WKBL(Women’s Korean Basketball League) spectators on reviewing intention through structural relationships between self image consistency, club trust, club emotion, and club commitment. The subjects of this study were WKBL spectators, and research instruments were questionnaires. By using convenience sampling method, total 400 questionnaires were gathered from the samples and among them 376 valid samples were used for further analyses. The data were recorded and analyzed using the PASW 24.0 and Amos Ver. 18.0. The results were as follows. First, hedonic value influenced both actual image congruency, ideal image congruency, and social image congruency. Therefore, it was found that hedonic value positively affected self image congruency. Second, actual image congruency and ideal image congruency had a positive effect on club trust but not on social image congruency. Self image congruency partially affected club trust. Third, club trust has a positive effect on club emotion and club commitment. Fourth, it was found that club emotion and club commitment had a positive effect on the reviewing intention. Therefore, in order to increase the reviewing of WKBL spectators, it is necessary to develop a program that can increase hedonic value.
Key Words
쾌락적 가치, 자아이미지일치성, 팀신뢰, 팀감정, 팀몰입, 재관람의도, hedonic value, self image congruence, club trust, club emotion, club commitment, reviewing intention
Value of Public Goods from Professional Sports Leagues Using CVM Approach: Focusing on the COVID-19 Situation CVM을 이용한 프로스포츠 리그의 공공재적 가치 추정: COVID-19 상황을 중심으로
Value of Public Goods from Professional Sports Leagues Using CVM Approach: Focusing on the COVID-19 Situation CVM을 이용한 프로스포츠 리그의 공공재적 가치 추정: COVID-19 상황을 중심으로
차재혁 Cha¸ Jaehyuk
This study evaluated the economic value of professional sports leagues, focusing on the public goods as non-market goods value created in Korean society using the contingent valuation method (CVM). A total of 1000 questionnaires were distributed by the online web site, and a total of 800 data, excluding unfaithful responses and protest responses, were used as final valid samples for analysis. In this study, we tried to secure the reliability and validity of the study results by presenting the results of closed and open responses simultaneously through log logistic model and Tobit model. As a result of the analysis, the WTP per capita for the professional sports league was estimated 5,590.5 won in the DBDC model and 6,634.3 won in the Tobit model. These were decomposed into use and non-use value, an estimated 1,414.4 won and 1,678.5 won in the DBDC model, and 4,176.1 won and 4,955.8 won in the Tobit model. In particular, it was found that the non-use value reached about three times the value in use, confirming that Korean professional sports leagues have a relatively higher public property value to overseas league teams such as the NHL, NFL, and NBA. Based on the results, implications for sport industry and academia were discussed.
Key Words
프로스포츠 리그, 조건부가치평가법, 공공재, 비사용가치, professional sports league, contingent valuation method, public goods, non-use value
The effects of Sports Console game Users’ Team Identification and Involvement on Game Flow and Continuous Use Intention 스포츠 콘솔 게임 이용자의 팀 동일시와 스포츠종목 관여도가 게임몰입과 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향
김영준 Kim Youngjun , 김영배 Kim Yeongbae , 김태희 Kim Taehee
The effects of Sports Console game Users’ Team Identification and Involvement on Game Flow and Continuous Use Intention 스포츠 콘솔 게임 이용자의 팀 동일시와 스포츠종목 관여도가 게임몰입과 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향
김영준 Kim Youngjun , 김영배 Kim Yeongbae , 김태희 Kim Taehee
Despite the growth of the console game industry and the popularity of sports games, related studies are insufficient, and studies that apply the characteristics of users are difficult to find. Therefore, this study analyzed the effects of team identification and involvement as the characteristics of sports game users in literature on game flow and continuous use intention. An online survey was conducted on website visitors related to sports console games, and a total of 176 data were used for final analysis among 200 data. For data processing, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression and simple regression analysis were performed using the SPSS 23.0 program to derive the following results. First, team identification and involvement had a positive effect on the game flow. Second, team identification and involvement had a positive effect on continuous use intention Third, flow had a positive effect on continuous use intention. Through the above research results, the influence of team identification and involvement, which are the characteristics of users in sports console games, were confirmed, and theoretical and practical implications for the research results were discussed.
Key Words
스포츠 콘솔 게임, 팀 동일시, 종목 관여도, 게임몰입, 지속이용의도, Sports console game, Team identification, Involvement, Flow, Continuous use intention
The Effect of Types of Corporate Philanthropy in Sports Companies on Corporate Image, Corporate Trust and Purchase Intention: A Moderating Role of Authenticity 스포츠 기업의 사회공헌활동 유형이 기업 이미지, 기업 신뢰 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 진정성의 조절효과
김승겸¸한진욱¸이인엽 Seung-gyeom Kim , Jin-wook Han , In-yup Lee
The Effect of Types of Corporate Philanthropy in Sports Companies on Corporate Image, Corporate Trust and Purchase Intention: A Moderating Role of Authenticity 스포츠 기업의 사회공헌활동 유형이 기업 이미지, 기업 신뢰 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 진정성의 조절효과
김승겸¸한진욱¸이인엽 Seung-gyeom Kim , Jin-wook Han , In-yup Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of authenticity in the relation between types of corporate philanthropy(CSR/CSV) and consumption behavior outcomes(corporate image, corporate trust, and purchase intention) in the context of sports companies. To achieve this purpose, a total of 160 samples were purposively selected from collegiate students who had ever purchased sports goods and responded to an online survey questionnaire. 140 usable data were utilized in data analysis procedure. Data analyses included frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, 2-way MANOVA with SPSS 25.0. The results revealed that (1) CSV had a stronger effect on corporate image, corporate trust and purchase intention than CSR did, (2) it was found that the moderating effect of authenticity was significant in the relation between types of corporate philanthropy and purchase intention. Additionally, discussions, practical implications and future research opportunities were also suggested.
Key Words
스포츠기업, 사회공헌활동 유형, CSR, CSV, 기업 이미지, 기업 신뢰, 구매의도, 진정성, Sports Company, Types of Corporate Philanthropy, Corporate Image, Corporate Trust, Purchase Intention, Authenticity
New Career Transition Story of Student Athletes Dropping Out: Narrative Inquiry on Career Transition Experience into Non-Sports 중도은퇴 학생선수의 새로운 진로로의 전환: 비(非)스포츠 진로전환경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구
New Career Transition Story of Student Athletes Dropping Out: Narrative Inquiry on Career Transition Experience into Non-Sports 중도은퇴 학생선수의 새로운 진로로의 전환: 비(非)스포츠 진로전환경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구
장승현 Jang¸ Seung-hyun
The purpose of this study was to discover the career transition experience into the non-sports among student athletes who dropped out. To achieve such goal, the narrative inquiry method was utilized and seven student athletes who dropped out were interviewed. As a result, several facts were stood out. First, the experience of drop out meant to the student athletes was that the ultimate goal the student athletes committed their time and effort to achieve was disappeared. This caused having blackout experience among the student athletes. Second, the student athletes were not able to continue their sports career due to being viewed as a loser by others and fed up with youth sports experiences. The roots of such factors were the painful memories in their athletic experiences, such as failed to achieve their athletic goals that ultimately made themselves feel sense of defeat. Third, when it comes to finding a new career, the student athletes were having hard time to find an aptitude, and they relied heavily on parents and friends in getting the new job. Also, the student athletes experienced difficulties in obtaining a certificate and finding a decent job. This series of study results informed us that the sport drop out should be considered as important issue than what we already have known about the sport drop out, what made them decide to step away from the sports career, and what they experienced in their career transition process into the non-sports field.
Key Words
학생선수, 중도은퇴, 진로전환, student athletes, drop out, career transition
The Mediating Effects of Participation Satisfaction in the Relationship between Tennis Club Members’ Exercise Engagement and Continuous Participation Intention 테니스 동호인의 운동열의와 지속적 참여의도의 관계에서 참여만족의 매개효과 검증
The Mediating Effects of Participation Satisfaction in the Relationship between Tennis Club Members’ Exercise Engagement and Continuous Participation Intention 테니스 동호인의 운동열의와 지속적 참여의도의 관계에서 참여만족의 매개효과 검증
조홍식¸최헌혁 Cho¸ Hong-sik , Choi¸ Hunhyuk
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between exercise engagement, participation satisfaction, and continuous participation intention in tennis club members. The conceptual model of this study assumed that exercise engagement would affect participation satisfaction and that it would, in turn, affect continuous participation intention through the participation satisfaction. A total of 303 tennis club members participated in this study (Mage=48.78 years, SD=15.35). The participants completed four questionnaires: a demographic questionnaire, exercise engagement questionnaire, participation satisfaction scale, and continuous participation intention scale. The results of the final model indicated that exercise engagement was positively related to participation satisfaction (.764). Participation satisfaction was significantly related to continuous participation intention (.455). Exercise engagement was significantly related to continuous participation intention (425). Significant indirect effect were observed. The bootstrapping results indicated that the relationship between exercise engagement and continuous participation intention was mediated by participation satisfaction. The findings of this study contribute to the basis for tennis club members to maintain exercise without dropout and create a healthy life-sports ecosystem.
Key Words
운동열의, 참여만족, 지속적 참여의사, 테니스 동호인, Exercise engagement, Participation satisfaction, Continuous participation intention, Tennis club member
The Effect of Student Athletes Dependence on Smartphones on Cyberbullying Damage and Harmful Experience: The Moderation Effect of Self-Control 학생운동선수의 스마트폰 의존성이 사이버불링 피해경험과 가해경험에 미치는 영향: 자기통제력의 조절효과
The Effect of Student Athletes Dependence on Smartphones on Cyberbullying Damage and Harmful Experience: The Moderation Effect of Self-Control 학생운동선수의 스마트폰 의존성이 사이버불링 피해경험과 가해경험에 미치는 영향: 자기통제력의 조절효과
강애령 Ae-ryeong Kang , 조성균 Sung-kyun Cho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of self-control while examining the effect of student athletes’ dependency on smartphones on cyberbullying damage and harmful experience. Student athletes were selected as the population and marked as student athletes from physical education high schools located in Gyeongsang-do using the convenience sampling method. The collected data were subjected to frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression and hierarchical regression analysis. First, dependence on smartphones had a significant effect on the CDE. Second, moderating effect of self-control was partially present in the influence of smartphone dependence on the of CHE. Third, moderating effect of self-control was partially present in the influence of CDE on the CHE. As such, in this study, it can be seen the CDE increases due to the dependence of student athletes on smartphones, and at the same time, the CHE is adjust by exerting self-control. Therefore, tthe relationship in an environment where smartphone dependence is growing can suggest that controlling self-control is an important role as CHE increases overall.
Analysis of Semantic Network of Leisure Before and After Covid-19 Using Media Big Data 미디어 빅데이터를 활용한 Covid-19 전후 여가 의미연결망 분석
김경식 Kim¸ Kyung Sik
The purpose of this study is to analyze the leisure semantic network before and after Covid-19 using media big data. To achieve this purpose, 489 articles before Covid-19 and 525 articles after Covid-19 were collected from a total of 24 media, and the collected data were analyzed by centrality and topic modeling using a semantic network in the NetMiner program. The result is as follows. First, there was a difference in media coverage keywords for leisure before and after Covid-19. Excluding leisure, people, business, world, region, Seoul, travel, experience, facilities, and culture were reported as important before Covid-19. After Covid-19, people, Covid-19, business, growth, travel, region, facilities, culture, Seoul and space were importantly emphasized. After Covid-19, the Covid-19 has emerged as important, and safety, reduction, distance, online, and nature have emerged. Second, there was a difference in media coverage topics before and after Covid-19. The weight of all media coverage topics in Covid-19 was in order of leisure tourism, leisure safety, leisure business, leisure programs, and leisure sports. After Covid-19, the share of media coverage topics was in the order of Covid-19 leisure, leisure tourism, leisure safety, leisure facilities, leisure industry, leisure events, and online leisure business. These topics are understood as the media’s leisure coverage frame before and after Covid-19.
Key Words
미디어 빅데이터, Covid-19, 여가, 의미연결망, Media big data, Leisure, Semantic network
Pickleball and Successful Aging among Older Adults: A Case of USAPA Ambassadors 미국 노인들의 피클볼 참여 경험과 성공적 노화: 미국피클볼협회(USAPA) 소속 앰버서더(Ambassador)를 대상으로
Pickleball and Successful Aging among Older Adults: A Case of USAPA Ambassadors 미국 노인들의 피클볼 참여 경험과 성공적 노화: 미국피클볼협회(USAPA) 소속 앰버서더(Ambassador)를 대상으로
이상희 Sanghee Lee , 류정수 Jungsu Ryu , 허진무 Jinmoo Heo
This phenomenological study explored the experience of playing pickleball and successful aging among older adults in the U.S.A. The study participants were registered ambassadors in the USA Pickleball Association. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 older adults(average age = 67). Analysis revealed two central themes: role of ambassador and ambassador activity. The results demonstrated that the ambassadors participated in pickleball to engage with the society after retirement, and develop a new social role through voluntary activity. The ambassador activity promoted relationship with other pickleball players in the community. It was also a breakthrough to avoid isolation after the retirement. Pickleball has grown rapidly among older adults over the last ten years in the U.S.A., and the important roles of ambassadors were at the heart of the significant growth. Our findings provide empirical evidence that participation as pickleball improved ambassadors’ physical and mental health, which contributed to successful aging.
Key Words
미국 노인, 앰버서더, 피클볼, 성공적 노화, 현상학적 연구, Older adults, Ambassador, Pickleball, Successful aging, Phenomenological study
Contents Analysis of News Services in the 2014 Incheon Asian Games 2014인천아시아경기대회 뉴스서비스 컨텐츠 분석
Contents Analysis of News Services in the 2014 Incheon Asian Games 2014인천아시아경기대회 뉴스서비스 컨텐츠 분석
박정상 Park¸ Jeong-sang , 김민철 Kim¸ Min-cheol
The purpose of this study is to learn how the organizing committee composed the contents of news service and which contents attracted the media’s attention among the news service articles by analyzing the 2014 Incheon Asian Games News Service. To meet the purpose of this study, total 11,413 news articles (4,214 Korean, 7,199 English) that were generated and provided to the participants of the 2014 Incheon Asian Games INFO System, were completely enumerated and analyzed. The news articles’ structure and preferred contents were researched and analyzed quantitatively while in-depth interviews were conducted to understand an article production process of each content. As a result, the articles were classified into five contents: flash quotes, sports preview & review, sports results, press conferences, and games-related general news stories. Based on this classification, the share of each content and the number of searched articles were analyzed to determine news articles that were looked up by the games’ participants including media. In a news services which were generated for the Games, the content on “Flash Quotes” marked the highest share followed by “Sports Results”, “Sports Preview & Review”, “Press Conference”, and “Games-related General News Stories”. The top 10 key words in Korean and English articles were extracted through text mining respectively. The most frequently used key words were “Korea, Man, Woman, Incheon, Host, China, Japan, Sports, Sports Results, and Preliminaries” in Korean and “South, Korea, team, match, gold, China, Incheon, we, medal, Asain” in English.
Key Words
뉴스서비스, 2014인천아시아경기대회, 대회정보시스템, 선수인터뷰, 경기결과, AGNS, News service, INFO system, Flash quotes, 2014 Incheon Asian Games
Producing Expertise in Physical Fitness Management: Sports/Exercise Specialists for Health and Social Boundaries 체력관리 전문가 집단 만들기: 건강운동관리사의 전문성과 사회적 경계
Producing Expertise in Physical Fitness Management: Sports/Exercise Specialists for Health and Social Boundaries 체력관리 전문가 집단 만들기: 건강운동관리사의 전문성과 사회적 경계
진현주 Jin¸ Hyunju , 김효민 Hyomin Kim
This study aims to reveal and unfold the social boundary made around the expertise of sports/exercise specialist, a group of experts who have managed the physical fitness of the public. Over the past 70 years, the social concept of physical fitness in Korean society has been transformed. The catchphrase of ‘physical strength is national power’ has changed to the slogan of ‘physical stamina for survival’, reflecting increased the social interests in individual capabilities and skills. This study investigates how the attempts of expertification have been made and un-made around physical fitness as an ever-changing notion. Firstly, the study follows the pathways through which exercise prescriptors(currently, sports/exercise specialists) have formed as an institutionalized group. Secondly, the study examines how sports/exercise specialists as a group have been transformed in response to the conflicts stemming from changes in academic fields and regulatory frameworks. Lastly, the study discusses the aforementioned conflicts through insights obtained from science and technology studies (STS) literature on expertise. The study concludes that expertise of sports/exercise specialists, who currently occupy the boundary between medicine and sports medicine, is to be produced both inside and outside of the institutionalized system of managing physical fitness. In order to settle the conflicts emerging around the expertise of sports/exercise specialists, the issue of expert-making needs to be seen as a social problem, which cannot be sufficiently resolved if conceptualized as individual self-completion.
A Critical Review on the Ethical Evaluation of Mixed Martial Arts 종합격투기의 윤리적 평가에 관한 비판적 고찰
박성주 Park¸ Sungjoo
The purpose of this paper is to critically examine whether the basis for the ethical evaluation of mixed martial arts is justified. For this purpose, the difference between the concept of violence in general and the concept of violence in sport was examined, and the main theories and issues on the justification of violence in sports were reviewed. Next, by examining literature by sport philosophers on the ethical evaluation of mixed martial arts, the value theory underpinning each position that supports or criticizes mixed martial arts was reviewed. Finally, the validity of Dixon’s argument that mixed martial arts are inherently immoral, along with the logical problem of Dixon’s basis, was pointed out. The key to the ethical evaluation of mixed martial arts is whether the intentional and injurious action inevitably violates human dignity, or whether there is a context where such action can be compatible with respecting one’s opponent as an end. This paper argues that the attitude and behaviors of mixed martial arts athletes founded upon voluntary consent are morally acceptable because they are consistent with respecting each other as an end.
Case Study Approach to Ski Lectures’ Coaching Difficulties and Coping Strategies and University Curriculum 스키 지도자의 지도 어려움 대처유형과 대학교육 강화 방안
박인환 Park Inwhan , 김윤희 Kim Yoonhee
The purpose of this study is to investigate the coaching difficulties and coping strategies of ski instructors and to understand the content of education that should be learned in university were focused on. To carry on this study, 52 ski instructors from Ski school at J resort, Gyeonggi-do were selected. The survey tool consists of an open questionnaire, consisting of four questions. The collected data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Expert reviews were conducted to improve feasibility in analyzing the development of research tools and data collected. The results of this study are follows. First, the predicament experienced during the skiing class were lack of directive capacity(29.7%), predicament in guiding behavioral problems(27.4%), lack of understanding individuality of students(17.8%), safety accidents and action(15.4%), characteristics of ski instructor(6.9%), and others (2.8%) were followed. Second, preparation plan was best suited for students(27.6%), inducing students to experience firsthand(21.2%), asking for help(19.1%), persuasion and threat(17%), and evasion were shown(14.8%). Third, as a result of analyzing the contents of education that ski instructor needs to acquire, it was ski theory and practice(33%), ski teaching method(24%), major(10%), safety and first aid(8%), education of service(7%), education of humanism(7%), communication skill(7%), and leadership were found(4%). Based on these results, the predicament and coping strateges experienced by the ski leaders vary widely. In order to grow into a ski map expert, training courses should be organized, operating, and working with training courses suitable for ski map situations.
Key Words
스키 지도자, 지도 어려움, 대처유형, Ski instructor, Coaching knowledge, Coaching difficulties, Coping strategies
The Impacts of Kano Jigoro’s Physical Education for Foreign Students on the History of Physical Education in East Asia 가노지고로의 유학생 체육 교육이 동아시아 체육사에 미친 영향
The Impacts of Kano Jigoro’s Physical Education for Foreign Students on the History of Physical Education in East Asia 가노지고로의 유학생 체육 교육이 동아시아 체육사에 미친 영향
유성연 Yoo¸ Sungyeon
This study set out to investigate the fundamental essence in the way that Kano Jigoro’s physical education for foreign students was applied and transmitted in East Asia. Conducted from this perspective, the study generated the following results: first, his education for students from Qing was for the development of Qing based on Katsu Kaishu Asian prosperity, whereas his education for students from Joseon was used as means of promoting the ‘Korea and Japan are One’ policy under the influence of classical scholars’ Theory of Beyond Asia; secondly, he spread his idea of physical education to students from Qing, and it was Jatagongyong, which argues that physical education can be a method of social life through the good training of the body and that the fulfillment of this objective will offer a basis for the joint growth of others as well as oneself. This idea reached Yang Chang-ha, a student from Qing studying in Japan, and he had huge impacts on the physical education ideas of Mao Zedong, who had tremendous influences on the formation of China; and finally, Kano Jigoro opened doors of physical education to students from Joseon studying in Japan. After finishing their study in Japan, these Joseon students applied his ideological cadences, Jeongryeokseonyong and Jatagongyong, as means of collaborating with Japanese Imperialism and making strenuous efforts for the nation through the acculturation of these ideas. asian prosperity.
Key Words
가노지고로, 흥아론, 탈아론, 마우쩌둥, 가쓰 가이슈, Kano Jigoro, Asian prosperity, Beyond Asia, Mao Zedong, Katsu Kaishu
Consignment Operation of Baseball Stadium and the Development of Their Public 프로야구 구장의 위탁 운영에 따른 경기장 공간의 공공성 확대방안
Consignment Operation of Baseball Stadium and the Development of Their Public 프로야구 구장의 위탁 운영에 따른 경기장 공간의 공공성 확대방안
조성식 Cho Seongsik , 정서임 Chung Seoim
The management style of stadiums is changed to an enterprise consignment management by local governments, which contributes to expanding of a privatization in the professional baseball stadiums. Accordingly, this research has put a weight on seeking a balanced relationship that establishes a profitability of enterprises and a public value of a baseball stadium by expert Delphi Survey. The plan to expand the public of the baseball stadium under consignment should be carefully investigated. The way of expansion of public may revise the direction of operation and required institutional supplementation and expansion. So, Delphi investigation experts were chosen as someone who understand how the professional baseball field operates. It consisted of 26 people from academia(sports, management, policy), club officials(club, KBO members), and local governments who have professional knowledge to give advice on ways to expand the public of the stadium. According to the research result, it provides diversity and enjoyment to fans, however, the period is limited and lack of open space for everyone to enjoy. In order to expand public, a professional baseball field must be transformed into a cultural complex.
Key Words
프로야구, 사유화, 공공성, 위탁운영, 공공체육시설, Professional baseball, Privatization, Public, Consignment operation, Public Sports Facility
The Relationship among Basic Psychological Need, Achievement Goal Orientation and Flow in Elite Tennis Athletes in University 엘리트 대학 테니스 선수들의 기본적 심리욕구, 성취목표 성향 및 몰입의 관계
김성훈 Seong-hoon Kim , 문주희 Ju-hee Moon , 진덕순 Deok-soon Jin , 한곤건 Kun-jian Han , 황진 Jean Hwang , 풍해도 Hai-tao Feng
The Relationship among Basic Psychological Need, Achievement Goal Orientation and Flow in Elite Tennis Athletes in University 엘리트 대학 테니스 선수들의 기본적 심리욕구, 성취목표 성향 및 몰입의 관계
김성훈 Seong-hoon Kim , 문주희 Ju-hee Moon , 진덕순 Deok-soon Jin , 한곤건 Kun-jian Han , 황진 Jean Hwang , 풍해도 Hai-tao Feng
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among basic psychological need, achievement goal orientation and flow of elite university tennis athletes. The participants were 111 elite university tennis athletes enrolled in the Korea Tennis Association and participated Korea University Tennis Championship which held on November. The collected data was analyzed by factor analysis, Variance analysis, Correlation, and Regression analysis. The Results are as follows: First, flow was differentiated by the level of basic psychological need, competedness and relatedness. Flow was differentiated by low ego-low task, low ego-high task, high ego-low task, high ego-high task group. Second, basic psychological need including competence, relatedness, ego, task goal orientation, and flow are correlated significantly. Third, flow was significantly influenced by basic psychological need including competence, autonomy and ego and task goal orientation.
Key Words
대학 엘리트 테니스 선수, 기본적 심리욕구, 성취목표 성향, 몰입, Elite university tennis athletes, Basic psychological needs, Achievement goal orientation, Flow
The Effect of Learning Emotion for Online Classes of College Students Majoring in Arts and Sports on Learning Outcomes in Pandemic Situation 팬데믹 상황에서 예체능 전공 대학생의 온라인 수업에 대한 학업 정서가 학습성과에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Learning Emotion for Online Classes of College Students Majoring in Arts and Sports on Learning Outcomes in Pandemic Situation 팬데믹 상황에서 예체능 전공 대학생의 온라인 수업에 대한 학업 정서가 학습성과에 미치는 영향
김병민 Kim¸ Byung Min
The propose of this study was to investigate the effects learning emotions of college students majoring in arts and sports who took online classes a pandemic situation caused by of COVID-19 on perceived achievement and learning satisfaction. To derive the results of this study, data were processed using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 22.0, and frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model equation model verification were performed. The results of the study were as follows: First, enjoyment, pride, and boredom had a significant effect on perceived achievement. Second, enjoyment and anger had a significant influence on learning satisfaction. Third, perceived achievement effect on learning satisfaction, the perceived achievement showed a complete mediating effect in the relationship between pride and learning satisfaction. Based on these results, it was confirmed learning emotion is a major variable influencing learning outcomes, in order to increase learner achievement and satisfaction, systematic and strategic learning methods that consider students’ emotions are needed. In addition, various strategies are required to improve student learning outcomes even after the post-corona.
The Effect of Work Value and Self-Efficacy on Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teacher in Secondary School 체육교사의 직업가치관과 자기효능감이 직무만족에 미치는 영향
추나영 Choo¸ Nayoung , 조송현 Cho¸ Songhyun
The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of work value and self-efficacy on job satisfaction of PE(physical education) teachers in secondary school. The target population of this study was middle & high schools PE teacher in Busan. A total of 320 questionnaires was sent out on and off-line for the survey by using convenience sampling and 33 of them were excluded from the data. Finally, 287 samples were used for the analysis. The data was analyzed with frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’sα coefficient calculation, correlation analysis for testing the validity, the reliability, and the independence of survey tools, and multiple regression analysis for verifying hypothesis using IBM SPSS statistics 25.0. program. The results were as followed. First, work value of PE teacher had partly significant effects on job satisfaction in secondary school. Second, self-efficacy of PE teacher had partly significant effects on job satisfaction in secondary school. In summary, It was important that PE teacher make to know the value of their job. And, It should be necessary the effort to create an environment that PE teacher can challenge the higher level in working with confidence.
Study on Revitalization of Korean Dance Through IPA Matrix Analysis IPA Matrix분석을 통한 한국무용 활성화 방안 연구
이윤정 Lee Yun-jung Univ , 서희정 Seo Hee-jung
The purpose of this study was to identify the current problems for development of Korean dance, find potential factors and suggest a plan for the future. The questionnaire included policies, programs and convergence and promotion. The online questionnaire survey was conducted via a smartphone questionnaire between April 20th to May 11th, 2020. The survey saw 253 Korean dance experts participate. Confirmatory factor analysis, frequency analysis, and IPA matrix-analysis were performed using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0. In conclusion a plan for revitalizing Korean dance was proposed based upon the results of importance and satisfaction of policies, programs, convergence and promotion.
Exploring Experience and Educational Meaning of Soft Darts in Physical Education Classes of Secondary School 소프트 다트를 활용한 체육수업에서 중학생의 경험과 교육적 의미
손유민 Shon¸ Youmin , 김보람 Kim¸ Boram , 류태호 Yu¸ Taeho
The purpose of this study is to design soft darts lesson which is applicable for PE classes, and explore educational meaning of students who were participated in soft dart lesson. To achieve this purpose, soft darts lesson was designed based on constructivism. and implemented in the 2nd grade of S middle school located in Seoul of 184 students(8 coeducational classe). Data collected through opening questionnaires, observation diary and In-depth interviews(8 students as research participants) were analysed using constant comparison method. The analysis results were as follows: First, students had an occasion to reconsider the meaning of sports experiencing soft darts directly and indirectly. Second, they experienced convergent movement that physical, cognitive, and emotioncal competence were concentrated on inner side of human mind. Third, they experienced the harmony between the elarborate movement and strategic thinking by game rules of soft darts. Fourth, they had an opportunity to establish interpersonal relationship between students in PE class where the alienation and inequality is rife. In conclusion, soft darts guarantees the educational value considering the experiences of the soft darts lesson based on a principle of continuity and interaction of John Dewey’s Educative Experience.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of height growth on heavy-metal pollution. Subjects were 30(boy=10, girl=20) who came to Growth and Health KINESS. They were elementary school students of full 9 years. Data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Annalysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Statistical significance level was p<.05. As a results, there were some negative correlations of lead(84%), aluminium(77.4%), and uranium(34.6%) between heavy-metal pollution with short stature. Also there were some negative causality of aluminium(β=-.336), barium(β=-.317), antimony(β=-.285) and lead(β=-.249) between heavy-metal pollution with short stature. Therefore heavy-metal pollution and height growth were correlation and causality of lead and aluminium at the same time. In conclusion, short stature students have to reduce and remove heavy-metal of lead and aluminium for height growth.
Key Words
중금속 오염, 키 성장, 저신장, 성장클리닉, 키네스, heavy metal pollution, growth of height, short stature students, growth clinic, KINESS
Effects of Wearing Face Masks on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Performance 안면 마스크 착용이 심폐체력에 미치는 영향
Effects of Wearing Face Masks on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Performance 안면 마스크 착용이 심폐체력에 미치는 영향
류종식 Ryu¸ Jongsik , 김종근 Kim¸ Jonggeun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of wearing facial masks due to COVID-19 pandemic on cardiopulmonary exercise performance in adult men. To achieve this purpose 11 male university students were participated, followed by three exercise load tests: non-mask (NM), KF-AD mask wear (KF-AD), KF94 mask wear (KF94). The results of this study was as follows. First, the mask did not significantly affect HR, VE, RR, TV, SBP and DBP. Second, wearing a mask during maximum load exercise did not have a significant effect on the respiratory rate per minute (p=.890). On the other hand, wearing a mask during maximum load exercise test had a significant effect on cardiopulmonary fitness such as HR(p<.001, KF-AD, KF94 < NM), VE(p<.001, KF-AD, KF94 < NM), TV(p<.001, KF-AD, KF94 < NM), ToE(p<.05, KF-AD, KF94 < NM), VO2max(p<.001 KF-AD, KF94 < NM), and VT(p<.001, KF-AD, KF94 < NM). However, there were no significant differences depending on the type of mask. Considering the above results, wearing a mask affects the ventilation ability during maximum load exercise, reducing aerobic performance such as VO2max and VT. These results confirmed that after wearing face masks, it is necessary to reconsider the effect of the mask on the reset of exercise intensity and the measurement of aerobic performance.
Relationship of Physique, Physical Fitness (Basic and Professional) and Sprint Records in Korean Male Keirin Candidates 한국 남자 경륜선수 후보생의 체격 및 체력(기초 및 전문)과 스프린트 기록의 관계
성봉주 Sung Bong-ju , 고병구 Ko Byoung-goo , 서지원 Seo Ji-won , 이대택 Lee Dae-taek , 어은실 Uh Eun-sil
Relationship of Physique, Physical Fitness (Basic and Professional) and Sprint Records in Korean Male Keirin Candidates 한국 남자 경륜선수 후보생의 체격 및 체력(기초 및 전문)과 스프린트 기록의 관계
성봉주 Sung Bong-ju , 고병구 Ko Byoung-goo , 서지원 Seo Ji-won , 이대택 Lee Dae-taek , 어은실 Uh Eun-sil
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of physiques, physical fitness and sprint records in 62 Korean male keirin candidates. Physique factors were height, weight, % skeletal muscle, % body fat, BMI, waist circumference, thigh circumference and ankle circumference. Physical fitness factors were grip strength, back strength, 25-m run, vertical jump, burpee test, 20-m PACER, squat 1RM, bench press 1RM, wattbike graded exercise test duration, maximal oxygen uptake, maximum power and % threshold power. The sprint records were 200m, 500m and 1,000m records. As a result, 200m records showed a statistically significant correlation with left (r=-.281*) and right (r=-.303*) grip strength (p<.05). For 500m records, weight (r=.308*), % skeletal muscle (r=-.280*), % body fat (r=.284*), BMI (r=.307*), waist circumference (r=.595**), left and right thigh circumference (r=.416**, .399**), left and right ankle circumference (r=.420**, .448**), and vertical jump (r=-.315*) were statistically significant (p<.05). For 1,000m records, left and right grip strength (r=-.439**, -.436**), graded exercise test duration (r=-.275*) and maximum power (r=-.289*) were statistically significant (p<.05). In conclusion, training to improve the physique, muscle strength, muscle power, and cardiopulmonary endurance should be needed for excellent performance of keirin.
Effects of 12-week Korean Traditional Dance Based Fall Prevention Program on Balance, Gait Function, and Falling Efficacy among Korean Older Adults 12주간 한국무용에 기반한 낙상예방 프로그램 참여가 노인의 균형감각, 보행기능, 낙상효능감에 미치는 영향
Effects of 12-week Korean Traditional Dance Based Fall Prevention Program on Balance, Gait Function, and Falling Efficacy among Korean Older Adults 12주간 한국무용에 기반한 낙상예방 프로그램 참여가 노인의 균형감각, 보행기능, 낙상효능감에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of a 12-week Korean traditional dance based fall prevention program on balance, gait function, and falling efficacy among Korean older adults over 70 years old. The experimental group performed 60 minutes of Korean traditional dance based fall prevention program 3-times per week for 12 weeks and the control group was provided one session of health education program. Both groups were measured on body composition, physical function, balance (BBS, TUG), gait function, and fall efficacy before and after intervention. For statistical data analysis, two-way ANOVA with repeated measure on the 2nd factor and two-way ANCOVA with repeated measure on the 2nd factor were performed using Windows SPSS 23.0version program and the results were as follows. First, body mass index tended to decrease with time in both groups, and the physical performance was significantly improved in walking speed (p<.01) and sit to stand up (p<.01) in the experimental group, and the balance test and the overall score within the physical performance test showed a tendency to improve but not statistically significant. Second, in balance, significant improvement was observed in the static balance (BBS) on both groups (p<.01). But, there was a significant change in dynamic balance in the experimental group (p<.01). Third, in the gait function, cadence decreased in both groups, while the gait speed showed significant increase in the experimental group as the temporal gait parameters (p<.01). The spatial gait parameters stride length (p<.01) and step length (p<.01) were significantly improved in both left and right legs of the experimental group. Finally, fall efficacy score decreased in control group while experimental group showed a tendency to be maintained after the intervention.
Key Words
낙상예방, 노인, 균형감각, 보행기능, 낙상효능감, Fall Prevention, Older Adults, Balance, Gait Function, Fall Efficacy
A Study on Kinematic Factors Influencing Ball Speed of Soccer Instep Kick: The Roles of Isokinetic Muscular Strength, Angular Velocity and Dynamic Range of Motion 축구 인스텝 킥의 볼 스피드에 영향을 미치는 운동학적 요인에 관한 연구: 등속성근력, 관절각속도 및 동적가동범위의 역할
A Study on Kinematic Factors Influencing Ball Speed of Soccer Instep Kick: The Roles of Isokinetic Muscular Strength, Angular Velocity and Dynamic Range of Motion 축구 인스텝 킥의 볼 스피드에 영향을 미치는 운동학적 요인에 관한 연구: 등속성근력, 관절각속도 및 동적가동범위의 역할
선세영 Seon¸ Se-young , 김정훈 Kim¸ Jung-hoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of isokinetic muscular strength, angular velocity (AV) and dynamic range of motion (DROM) of lower extremity joint on the ball speed (BS) through soccer instep kick (SIK) in 7 elite soccer players of male college students. Isokinetic dynamometer was used to measure peak torque (PT) and total work (TW) in knee joint, and 14 ultra high-speed cameras at 200 frame/sec and 3D Motion Capture equipment were used to analyze the BS, AV and DROM during SIK motion. As a result, it was observed that the correlation between PT and TW of the knee extensor and BS were R2=.794 (p<.05) and R2=.790 (p<.05), respectively. In addition, the extension AV of the knee joint was significantly correlated with the BS of SIK (R2=.788, p<.05). Nonetheless, the DROM of the hip, knee, and ankle joints and BS by SIK did not show a significant correlation. Based on the results ofthis study, the following conclusions can be drawn. Elite soccer players in this study seems to primarily utilize extensor strength and AV in knee joint as a way to reinforce SIK’s BS. In this regards, the substantial amount of energy was transmitted to the ball by using extensor muscle strength and AV as an important mechanism rather than DROM of the lower extremity joint. Therefore, muscle strength and AV-dependent type of kick performance would be very beneficial to induce faster shooting timing and ball speed in-play situations.
Key Words
인스텝킥, 볼 스피드, 하지근력, 하지관절각속도, 동적관절가동범위, Soccer instep kick, Ball speed, Muscular strength, Angular velocity, Dynamic range of motion
The Associations of Weight Control Methods with Stress, Depression, and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents 정상체중 청소년들의 체중조절시도방법과 스트레스, 우울 및 자살행동과의 관계
김나혜 Kim Na-hye , 박정희 Park Jeong-hui , 서명원 Seo Myong-won , 전정우 Jeon Jeong-woo , 이정민 Lee Jung-min
The Associations of Weight Control Methods with Stress, Depression, and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents 정상체중 청소년들의 체중조절시도방법과 스트레스, 우울 및 자살행동과의 관계
김나혜 Kim Na-hye , 박정희 Park Jeong-hui , 서명원 Seo Myong-won , 전정우 Jeon Jeong-woo , 이정민 Lee Jung-min
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of personal characteristics and weight control methods on stress, depression, and suicidal behavior in adolescents who tried to control their weight. This study was used from the 15th Online Adolescent Health Behavior Survey in 2019. Eight thousand seventy-five adolescents who attempted weight control were included in this study while their BMI was in the normal category. Descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression analysis for each variable were performed using SPSS 25 ver. As a result of the analysis, female adolescents were more likely to control weight with exercise (OR=2.061) or exercise plus inappropriate methods (OR=3.682) than male adolescents. The who tried exercise plus inappropriate methods group was associated with a risk of stress (OR:4.265; Severe stress). Also, exercise (OR=1.202), exercise plus inappropriate methods group (OR=2.070), inappropriate (OR=2.205), shown a high risk of depression. Exercise plus inappropriate methods also shown a relativly high risk for suicide behavior (Suicidal Ideation; OR=1.215, Suicide attempt: OR=1.461). This present study demonstrated that inappropriate weight control practices among adolescents greatly influenced their mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to support preventive education programs regarding appropriate weight-control strategies for adolescents.
Key Words
청소년건강행태, 신체질량지수, 신체 이미지, 로지스틱 회귀분석, Youth risk behavior, Body mass index, Body image, Logistic regression